Wednesday 7 January 2009

A studio is emerging

I'm finally getting around to making half of my room into a studio, my inspiration wall is starting to fill up, I'm going to aim to shuffle it around every month, but we'll see what reality brings. It's a bit hard to make them out but I have my Penelope Dullaghan print, Marc Johns print, Jon Burgerman original and even some personal work in there too. I just need to start the work...


Anonymous said...

ooo studio! looking good! Hopefully you will be inspired and come up with some of your wonderful masterpieces

bowerbird said...

Hi! Yes it's taking shape, I'm sat here now trying to will myself on, I need to just start then see where I get. I bought some blank canvases, ink, paints and sketchbooks this weekend. I really have no excuses. Let me see more of your work soon please... x