Monday, 9 February 2009

Raising the Bar on simplicity

Noma Bar illustrated the BAFTA programme and is worthy of his own post. At first these striking images seem obvious, their bold shapes and high contrast colour. But look a little closer, his (and I have only recently learned it's a he not a she, my profound apologies, I'd clearly make a terrible journalist) illustrations are succint to the point of verging on frugal meaness and have incredibly clever and witty undertones.

Take the example of Slum Dog Millionaire (Bar illustrated all the nominees for Best Film), the blocky image of Dev Patel, the leading man (formerly of Skins fame). His facial features are sharply cut out and detailed in with four 'Who wants to be a millionaire' category boxes and a question-mark mouth. Bravo.

Noma Bar is represented by Dutch Uncle

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